· Beyond the Eyes ·

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Of Scottish Churches, CRs and Palpatines

Current Mood Alert: disturbingly amused

Do you remember, little friends, of that time that I had a bizarre dream about a church, Cristiano Ronaldo and Palpatine*? (*link for the sacrilegious).

As I guess the answer is 'mm...nope', since not even I did until last night, here I am to tell you that yup, I had a slightly disturbing dream, back in May, when I had just arrived in London.

The thing is that last night I contemplated, astonished, the development of a kind of second episode of that very same dream. 

I find myself in the exact same place I was last time, all dressed up and nice and alone, sitting in the same old church, church that is ancient and huge and lovely. This time, the church is presented in more detail: it's in Scotland, castle-like. Sort of like this one:
This is Eilean Donan Castle, but you get the idea.

People keeps on arriving, lots of kilted men and all. And I still look towards the door, waiting to see a familiar face coming through, but no luck. No familiar kilt or dress whatsoever.

I look at the altar then, and there he is as well, Cristiano Ronaldo, sitting on the same velvet and gold chair (aka, a throne): 
Velvet and Gold chair, aka throne.
Unfortunately for me, Palpatine is also there, looking extremely busy arranging things for the damned unnamed celebration that never starts. Just then, CR looks at me and smiles,  and just my luck, Palpatine realises and looks on my direction too, frowning in a very intimidating way. Kind of like this, but in ceremonial priest/bishop clothes: 
Palpatine/Darth Sidious looking at me sitting in the pew.
He looks rancorous and revengeful, there's no other way to see it, but says nothing and goes back to CR to tell him something. 

More and more people is gathering inside the church, but the damned thing that has to start, doesn't start. I notice that someone has taken sit next to me. 

It's CR. 

"You should have come when he told you to," he says compasively. "He's not happy, now." I stare and feel seriously worried by then.

The rest is more of a blur. I just remember Palpatine ranting, enraged, about something to the people congregating there, as if he was angry about something else -cough...- and was just venting out. 

However, the most bizarre thing is that, in the dream, CR's presence had a calming effect on me and my fear of Palpatine. And I really, really, really want to clarify once more: I DON'T LIKE CR.  AT ALL. NOTHING. ZERO ATTRACTIVENESS IN MY EYES. Honest.

And so thus ends Church Wars,  Episode II. Can't wait for the next installment. So many questions. Why is PriestPalpatine that angry with me? What's the ceremony I'm waiting for? Why is Cristiano Ronaldo sitting on a throne?! And what's more, why him at all?!?!

Not a boring moment in my subconscious, I guess. 


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