· Beyond the Eyes ·

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Grades, Plans, and Mafalda's Pebble

Current Mood Alert: pensive

Not a very Junctionish entry tonight, just the little bit about the grade, perhaps. 
I know my result already. In truth, I haven't seen it, as in with my own eyes, because the damned password is still missing in combat and the Cambridge website wasn't easy to trick into letting me in without it. Hmm. 

My knowledge came, very appropriately, from my teacher, who was nice enough to inform me of my A. An A! Who* would have thought! (-->*aformentioned teacher, principal, more teachers, classmates, ELTmates, friends, my London family, my real family, a couple of strangers in shops, a guard in an Oxford college).

I will have to get in touch with the Cambridge gang soon, though, as I still haven't heard word from them. It would be lovely to have the actual certificate sent to me after the long, long process. Although, right now, I wouldn't say no to picking it in person, or to urgently travel to London to have the matter solved. Oh, the Pull, you heartless bitch.

In other unrelated and still uninteresting news, I am going to purposely not-comment about something I'm planning. It's the third attempt at it, all the previous ones failing miserably. No idea why. Maybe it's just a cosmic warning that I refuse to acknowledge, but I'm nothing if not determined, so I'm crossing fingers, toes, and every other crossable part. Wish me luck.

And because it's very late and I love it, I've been re-reading some old Mafalda strips. Quino might be held accountable -along with genetics- for my sometimes sarcastic ways, but also for years of lovely readings and entertaining deep thoughts.

This one is one of my favourites (click to enlarge).

 How can anyone believe that Mafalda is for kids is beyond me.


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