· Beyond the Eyes ·

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

[fanteeny] Woohoo!

 Current Mood Alert: Ecstatic/vindicated/incensed.

Personal Achievement of the Day: Colin Firth WON!

How is it personal? Because after million years enduring 'Colin what?? Who in hell is Colin Ferr??', it feels like I won (Gosh, Anthony or Sean never gave me this much trouble, honestly... ;))


Plus, I met Livia once, and we happily chatted for about half an hour. A fact that makes us virtually BFF, and me, Colin's virtual wife, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. [/fanteeny]
PS: However, I'm indignant. How come there's NO cinema showing The King's Speech!?  This is why you deserve to be badly badmouthed sometimes, motherland. This is why.

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