· Beyond the Eyes ·

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Quick and Hasty Entry Because I Don't Really Feel Like NaNoing

 Current Mood: slightly lazy distracted
So I've decided that I could come in here and be keyboard-friendly and mentally organise stuff, while telling you in passing what's going on (crucial info for mankind's continuity as you will see).

  • I need to catch up with my NaNo; we're on day 3 and already behind.
  • Share my Halloween party photos. 
  • Share my last Jane Austen's House photos. 
  • My nose is completely blocked and I'm currently making such a Medicines Mix that I will probably end up running to the nearest Walk In Centre (which is in Parsons Green, so a good run) sporting twelve different types of allergic reactions, two of them still unnamed. 
  • Haven't done English homework. I always do, so I hope this is one of the times that Will, my teacher, asks for it and forgets about me.
  • Today a friend of M.'s -the father- has come to stay overnight and I'm having a bit of a challenge trying to a) look decent and not like the refugee I always look like at home and b) unimpressed by his gentlemanism and well, his stares. If I looked like, say, Monica Belluci, I'd probably be naturally unimpressed. But I'm clearly not Monica, not by a long shot, so it's sort of strange (especially when, again, I'm sporting my refugee look).
  • Ollie just threw up on me, again, but it doesn't matter because the whole stuff was dropped on top of an already existing base of previus fluids. 
  • THE WHOLE BOX OF FIENDISH FANCIES IS GONE. I need my fill. I'll try and post a picture of them, although I think you might guess just by the name. 
I'm off to my freezed attic again -I had to turn the heating off because my nose was feeling specially not ok today. I'm bleeding almost constantly lately.

Let's see if I can do something of use.

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