· Beyond the Eyes ·

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Smile, and Enjoy The Ride!

Current Mood Alert: reflective

It might not be verbatim, but that was the idea. 

I was merrily sitting in the bus today when I noticed a sign on my right, with the infamous Acid smiley. The sign kindly informed me that I was being watched and recorded by a CCTV at that precise moment, so all I had to do was smile and enjoy the ride. Ok.

I had been told about loads of cams all over London, but the thing is that I had never seen one before. If I must be honest, this fact is not a a very relevant data in itself. I'm not very good at focusing on certain details of my surroundings like, say, my parents passing by me on the street, or what colour was my aunt's dress at a wedding, or whether there are two, three or none streets between mine and the bus stop. Foggiest. 

I'm good at person-related details, though. But ask me what someone was wearing today, after spending ten hours in a row with them, and I will have no idea. Chances are I probably won't even remember what I myself was wearing. Honest. 

So, as I was saying, it's not strange that I had never seen one in all my time here. But suddenly, and after my mind was alerted by the sign in the bus, more and more cameras started to appear as if by magic. Actually seeing them, not mistaking them for birds or something. And in the strangest places ever, like on top of a statue in the middle of a park. Amazing. 

I guess that what was going on here was the Screw Theory. Ok, I've made the name up, but I did read somewhere that, if we were asked how many screws we saw today, we'd probably say none, but the next day screws would start appearing everywhere, just because we would be looking for them, unconsciously. 

So now I have questions. Are they really of any help? Are people safer because of them? I mean, unless there are two or three police officers carefully crouching inside the CCTV, ready to jump out in case I get mugged in the vicinity of said cam, do I really need them?

Well, I did some research, and I've read that they've actually helped to identify and catch many offenders and all that. And well, that's great. But I'm not sure about the costs. Not money, but privacy. I get nervous at the mere thought of being watched, silly as it may sound, because nothing more effective to look suspicious than trying to specifically show how much not suspicious you are. 

But seriously. Don't know.  

Will have to ask some native on the matter.

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