· Beyond the Eyes ·

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Ok, Ok, Advanced It Is...

Current Mood Warning: suspicious but accepting. 

Highlight of the Day:  I finally went to ELT to enquire about English classes.

My original plan was to try and take the FCE -First Certificate in English- exam in December, so I wasn't in a real hurry. I mean, I think I have level enough for the First without needing too much help. And the more classes, the more money I had to say bye to, so, in a bold move perhaps, I didn't go immediately to book a place for me in September.

So, I went there and spoke to Teresa about my plans. Teresa is the name of the woman who is always managing student issues at ELT, and the one who told me straight away that I was a very ridiculous person and a not very clever one at that for wanting to do the First. Ok, not literal perhaps, but she told me that I should definitely go for CAE instead  -Certificate of Advanced English.  

She also told me that they didn't have any places left for me in FCE groups, but still some for CAE, in the evenings, which made me suspect that the whole thing wasn't so much about my English level but about my purse...Nah, not really, but, you know. 

At this point, the Principal, the man I had always say hello and bye and never before spoke to me while in Secretary, suddenly spoke: "So, what you are trying to tell Teresa, in perfect advanced English, is that you don't see yourself as advanced, am I correct?"  What did I do? I started to laugh, out of embarrassment I guess, and partly because quite frankly, sounded ridiculous indeed.  He asked me if I had 50 minutes to do another test, I said yes, so test I did. In about 25 minutes.

And well, apparently I did well, because he told me something about highests scores and all that, and recommended me to a)trust his many years of experience and b)to take the CAE classes in the evenings. 

And here I am, kind of happy of being 'advanced', and kind of unsure about classes and evenings. I usually am busy until 7pm, and classes start at 6.30. And ELT is about 20 minutes from home. And it's dark...  

Anyway, I told them that I would think about it and tell them something tomorrow morning. And here I am, thinking about it and trying to know what I'm going to tell them tomorrow morning. I think I'll say yes. I really had fun with Sania and conversation class, I miss that.

I will also miss my Elizabeths once I give them to her, but well, I can always save more for my travels. 

Ah, decisions, decisions.

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